Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 13 my cute knit

First of all as promised:

I do realize that it might remind you of an 80's christmas sweather, but hey, the 80's back right? It's made of lamb wool so it's nice and warm, and a perfect red color that suits me. Worn with some skinny black jeans, black body, and cute boots.

My day today was busy. I went to morning class, but I only did the barr today cuz my muscles were needing a slower day. Then I did some work at the office. I came home and made 2 more "china-pants", finished mixing the music for the piece I'm teaching tomorrow, and wrapped all the calender-gifts for Sofie.

I've got more pictures coming up tomorrow so stay posted!

Oh, and I'm becoming more flexible. I can really start to notice the difference now! Before and after pictures are needed!!

nighty <3

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