Saturday, September 25, 2010


So, what do you dream of?

To me it's the most interesting question I can think of asking someone I'd like to get to know. This will tell me more about who they really are, or should be....

I see it like this: The dreams we dream when we let ourselves be totally honest with our deepest desires, is who we are ment to be. I have a strong feeling that we all have purpose on this planet. Somehow it's so easy to just slip into some kind path that seems pretty random. But breaking it down to basics, of what people really dream of, would often lead them in a totally different direction.

It's totally terrifying off course. At least for many of us. To break out form what's comfortable, expected, needed. And to start walking towards something unknown. But maybe in the end it will be worth it?

Maybe that unknow path towards your dream is going to lead you to your destiny?

I've had so many dreams. I've seen so many of them come true. And still, I keep dreaming. So my destiny is still out there waiting to be explored.

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