Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 82 Feeling almost like a person

After spending 4 days in bed I was starting to feel a little better and decided to pick the kids up from daycare. So I took a shower and put on something other that the sweatpants and t-shirt I'd been wearing for days. I actually almost felt like a person. Not quite there, but on the way.

Here are the outfit pictures. With half of my head cut off since I'm clearly terrible at taking pictures of myself.

body gina tricot/vest bik bok/ jeans gina tricot/ shoes din sko

This morning my daughter was sick, and the husband is out of town. So I had to bring Sofie to KG rehersal with me. I don't really think she minded it at all. She was all smiles. The rehersal went well, and tomorrow is the first run through of the whole play with the dance numbers and all. It's going to be very interessting to see how it all comes toghether.

Now I have to finish preparing for my 4 evening classes. See you when I see you!


  1. Så bra du føler deg bedre! Lykke til med klasser =)

  2. takk takk <3 jeg glemte å gi deg smykke kom jeg på :( skal prøve å huske neste gang:D

  3. Jaaa d må du jammen gjøre! Kan du ikke legge det i hylla mi så jeg har det til ferien?! =)
