Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 81 black swan

Have you seen it yet? I haven't, but I'm planning on watching it tonight. I got these cool postcards when I went to buy my ballett outfit at LaDanse last week.

I'm finally feeling better, so tomorrow I'll be back in business with all my classes and everything else.

Got some cool things coming up too. I'm going to be dancing in a music video for my cousin who is the up and coming new artist Marit Børresen. You can visit her website here. Also I'm taking Sofie to her first audition on Thursday for Barnas supershow. It should've be fun! Friday I leave for 4 days of dancing fun in London!

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  1. Har sett filme. Kjempe bra!!!!
    Og lykke til på audition til Sofie.
    Isabella lurte også litt på audition der, for det er hennes favoritt show. Men hun trakk seg for Filip ville ikke bli med henne på det, hehe, en smule avhengi av hverandre......<3

  2. takk <3 sofie gleder seg enormt! håper hun får en morsom dag på nrk :D
