Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 71 Rehersals at KG

As some of you might have picked up on, I'm currently working on a project at KG. I'm doing the choreography for the play "Erasmus Montanus". I've been working mostly with the dancers so far, but as we're stepping into the last halv of the process I'll be more involved with the actors and the setting as a whole. I'm teaching choreography at least two times a week, in addition to my regular classes. It's great fun, and I can't wait to see it being put together with all the music and dance numbers in it!

Soon off to work in the office, teach my 4 classes, do choreography and finally have a meeting about "The Wall". Long day in other words.

1 comment:

  1. så utrolig morro! :D
    sv; tusen takk for kommentar på bloggen min! :D:D *happy* Ha en flott dag!
