Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 70 such awesome project coming up!!!!!

On monday I got one of the coolest phone calls I've had in a while. And a question to participate in a production so huge that it might be the greatest I'll ever get to do. I feel so lucky, so blessed and so thankful! I will be a part of picking out and teaching a bit of choreography and a song to some kids that will be on stage at Telenor arena with "The Wall"concert in April. I'm so stoked!

Today I've been to ballett, and to Pia my physical therapist. She is saying 6 weeks now for me to get strong enough to lift my leg like I want it. I've gotten pretty flexible, but still need some strenght to get there. I'm going to step it up a little since I'm almost at the end of my challenge. I'll work on spesific lift exersises every day for the next few weeks to see how my body responds to that.

Now I need to finish the dance for my classes tonight, and make some stuff for tomorrow. Later!

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