Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 72 vote for Sailorine and Ila Auto!

My bf Ingunn/Sailorine has been nominated for Norwegian artist of the year by! Sounds like a big deal, and I want to encourage you all to give her your vote! Go to and scroll down to see the category " Årets kvinnelige artist Norge".

Go Sailorine!

Also if you're on the page give a vote to Ila Auto too. Fantastic band. I just saw them play on Wednesday, and they always blow me away. (Category "Årets Country/Bluegrass/Rockabilly album Norge")

Today I'm taking it slow. Plans for the day: Coffee, scrapping, coffee, lunch, tv, coffee, clean, make tacos for dinner, tea, read, tv....yeah you get the idea! What are you doing today?

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