Tuesday, October 19, 2010

my hope

Right now I'm wearing a golden squirrel around my neck. I found it on a random walk through H&M and immediately knew I needed to get it. Somehow it gives me a lot of hope, and is almost like a "yes" from the universe.

This story takes me way back to when I was only 15 and living with my family in Canada for the summer. This was the summer that changed my life. I really found out who I am, who I'm supposed to be, and got that confidence rooted deep in me. It was also the summer I started dancing. At the campus we were living at, there were half-tame squirrels all around. They would in fact eat from your hand if you sat quietly enough. I didn't think much of it at the time, other than that it gave a nice atmosphere. After 3 months it was time to leave, and it must have been the most difficult depatures I've ever had. I feel so uprooted and alone and didn't know how to go back to normal life after this.

I know my mum felt the same in many ways. The first day back in Norway we were sitting in our kitchen overlooking the back yard when suddenly my mum pointed out the window. There right outside the glass door was a little brown squirrel lookin in.

Both of us broke down crying over this little "sign". Somehow there was a connection to all the hope we had been feeling and that now felt so far away. And that little thing outside the window managed to make the connection a little clearer to us. The hope had not been left behind, it had traveled with us.

To this day I alway get that little "sting" in my heart when I see one. And often it happens on occations like this one. When I'm starting up a new project, new job, or something memorable happens. It always gives me hope. Hope that I'm in the right place at this time, and on the right track.

Hope that I'm not alone in this world!

What is your hope?

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