Tuesday, September 14, 2010

moon on their wings

You know sometimes when you see somthing you like in a store and you feel like you have to get it. Like it somehow has your name on it or something. That's what this was like. I'd been looking for some kind of a crusifix-type neckless for over a year. I really hadn't been able to find anything I really liked at any price in any store. I had actually given up. I had one small cross that I got when I was baptized as a baby, but it seemed so small and "pretty". I wanted to get something that had a different feel to it. When I saw this one I knew it was the one! But I was kinda broke, and thought I didn't need it. Thank goodness my frend Maria was there to tell me to buy it! I'm so incredibly thankful for it, and I've worn it almost every day since I got it. It's beautiful but not "pretty" and it's uniqe. It even has a story:

My earring tree. It's just so practical and cute. Somehow I'm not so great at puting the earrings back after using them, so as you can see it's looking a little empty at the time. I'll put up a picure later with all my favourite earrings on there. I got this in NY too.

My perfume: Lola by Marc Jacobs. Gift from E for my birthday last year. He found it all on his own and I digg it! The bottle is superflashy and decorative and the smell is fresh, flowery but light enough for a small girl like me.

All done with favourites for today. Later.

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