Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 54 The deaf dancer

Can you follow your dream no matter what?
What if your dream is to be a dancer and you can't hear the music?

I saw this video and it moved me to tears! This is a dancer who is about to finish her 3'rd year at the dance academy Bårdar, and she dances without hearing.

The Deaf dancer

I recognize what she is talking about. She said that she had to dance. There was no option for her not to do it. So I guess it doesn't matter what the obsticles are if the passion is strong enough! And it's true what her teacher said that you somethimes forget that she's not hearing anything. I've danced with her, and she moves more naturally to the music than many dancers who hear fine.

This is inspiration to me!
What inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. Så moro! Anne Line gikk i klassen min første året på Bårdar, men da gikk hun ikke videre til andre året. Moro å se hvor dyktig hun har blitt =)
