Monday, March 16, 2009


Since we're less than 2 weeks from opening night it's kinda crazy right now. Today we're doing a full run through of the entire show at the stage in filladelfia. I still have to bring the baby with me for work but my dear dance-student Astrid is helping me out today.
To buy tickets go to:

We're also doing at least two dance-rehersals this week. We need to tighten up all 5 choreographies....

1. Fristelsen (the temptation)
The devil temps Jesus in the dessert....we have 8 devils doing this dance
music: Cafe del mar
Costumes: Black capes with hoods, black tights
Style: modern

2. Bryllupet i kana (the wedding)
This is the wedding march, presenting the bride (one of the dancers)
Music: From "Written in the sand"
Costumes: blue pans and short tops, magebelter
Style: magedans/arabisk

3. Inntoget i Jerusalem
Jesus is riding into Jerusalem and the peole are worshipping him. This is a parade where the dancers are "presenting" the king....
Costumes: Long skirts, tops, heels
Style: Can can

4. Getsemane
Jesus is entering the garden and there is evil there (4 demonds in the smoke) As Jesus starts praying/singing there are 4 angels entering, and the dance is a fight between good the two....
music: Jesus prayer by Ragnhild Svartdahl
Costumes: Devil/angel
Style: Contact impro

5. Finalenummer
Finally the ressurection. It's started off by one, then four angels dancing...then the rest of the dancers join, then the whole crew...
Music: Did you feel the mountains tremble, delirious
Costumes: Angels
Style: Lyrical Jazz