Monday, February 14, 2011

tattoo ideas....

A few years back I got my first tattoo. It's a typical tribal style butterfly on my lower back. For a while I've been thinking about doing something with it. I like more colours in tattoos now than I used to, and I would like to make it a little bigger and less symmetrical. I think it would actually be nice if it even came all the way to my hip on one side. I really like the old school swallow tattoos. The swallow symbolizes the family and always returning home, and was therefore a very popular tattoo amongst the sailors. I was thinking about using the old tattoo as a background and maybe adding a little shading to it. Then adding the two swallows flying over it and to the side. One bird for each child I have. The swallows in colour. The one on top of the old tattoo should probably be stronger color, and the other in pastels?

This is only the firs idea, so let me know what you think. Should I go for swallows, or something else?
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  1. De var fine! Før var jeg veldig skeptisk til tattoveringer, men når du gjør det sånn, nede på ryggen, så er det fiiint....farger er fint, og likte fuglene. Go for it!

  2. Jeg syntes dette ser ut som en god idé! Har lyst på noen små jeg da =)

  3. oi..skummelt....får ta med tegninga til en sjappe og høre om det kan gjøres da? er nemlig litt usikker på om jeg kan legge ene fuglen over den jeg har fra før??
