Wednesday, November 10, 2010

my challenge-your challenge

This is a bit scary but i'm giving myself a public challenge.

I have been under the wrong impression for a long time it seems, but I recently found out that I might be wrong.

I'm talking about high legs. As a dancer high legs is a good thing. My legs are ok, but definately not high enough. I've thought that I had reached my limit as far as hight goes, and therefore not really worked on my legs. If it's true that it's just because I've lifted wrong, and need to stretch, I'm thinking it's worth a shot.

My challenge is this:
I will work on my legs, doing the exercises given by my trainer and stretch for 100 days.
I will try to document as much as possible with pictures and words of the progress.

Why do I do it:
I want to kill the whole myth that i'm too old or it's too late.
I want to inspire others who may not think they can do things, that most things are possible!
I want to have killer legs for my next NY trip!

Your challenge:
Is to find a goal of your own and work on it for 100 days.
Share with me, and your readers the progress.

There will be a draw for a nice price after 100 days! To participate, make a comment under this post and start your 100 day challenge!!!


  1. Oooh gøy gøy! =) Tror jeg slenger meg på stretchinga jeg også og litt bedring av kondisjonen i tillegg!!

  2. oi...spennende! hvor myk skal du bli??? bilder???

  3. Så bra prosjekt, liker spesielt godt tankene du har omkring hvorfor du gjennomfører:-) Tror det er en bra ting å dele slike mål med andre! Jeg skal følge med på hvordan du gjennomfører, og la meg inspirere på mitt eget fotoprosjekt:-)

    Ønsker deg en super dag, wachiwi:-)

  4. Spennende! Hvor myk er du blitt da, wachiwi?
    Liker disse prosjektene...finne på noe sjø
