Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello friend...Halloween /HalloVenn

I just saw this article  HalloVenn and I gotta say I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. Soon enough to recomend it to the people arranging the halloween party for the kids in my neighbourhood. I have a 4 year old in my house crazy to dress up like a vampire and ready to scare people, and I'v been twisting my head to figure out how to put a different focus on the whole thing.

The norwegian origin for "allehelgensaften" is actually the "celebration of all souls". The focus being celebrating the life of people now gone. I like the idea of celebrating that. The life. Not just the death/ scary  focus that has no meaning to me at all.

However when I saw this consept I really liked it. Turn it around completely and make it about making new friends. Hjemmesiden til HalloVenn

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