Sunday, February 6, 2011

day 74 scrapping results

On Friday I had an opportunity to get out all my paper craft stuff, make a large pot of tea and scrap some cards. This time they turned out very simple, but nice I thought. I must say that this is one of the most relaxing things I can imagine doing. And Friday was a day I really needed to catch up on some rest. After having made two cards I felt totally fine and was all ready for a coffee visit, and having the kids home all weekend. I don't get much time to myself, but when I do I really recharge more quickly than in any other way.

Today is Sunday and I just got back from skiing with sofie. Now we're going to make brownies and wach biathlon on tv. As I'm writing I have my youngest on my lap smelling his sweet baby scent! Love it!

Hope you have a relaxing day.
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